Page 116 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
P. 116

          art now            Lives and works in Bremgarten, Bern, Switzerland


            Karel Witt, born on January 8, 1947, in Ostrava, Moravia, is a renowned
                                                                   Through Silberstein, Witt explores different dimensions of his creativity,
            fine artist based in Bern, Switzerland. His work is a testament to his   Witt’s alter ego, Silberstein, is another fascinating aspect of his persona.
            unique perspective and innovative approach to art. Witt is not just an   pushing the boundaries of traditional art. More about Witt’s alter ego
            artist; he is a notorious moonshiner and a retro runner through time.   Silberstein and his image gallery can be retrieved from his website.
            His artistry is not confined to the canvas; it extends to the way he   Witt’s work is a journey through time, a reflection of his experiences,
            perceives and interacts with the world.                and a commentary on society. His art is not just about creating
            Witt’s approach to art is akin to unbuttoning the past with offbeat   beautiful pieces; it’s about telling stories, sparking conversations,
            methods. He distills history’s indigestible events, transforming them   and challenging the status quo. Whether it’s through his connection
            into timeless pieces of art that offer guidance on how to stay out of   to the dAdA movement, his unique approach to distilling history, or
            reach and keep out of range. His work is a reflection of his belief in   his exploration of identity through his alter ego, Witt’s work continues
            the power of art to transcend time and space, to challenge norms,   to inspire and provoke thought.
            and to provoke thought.                                In conclusion, Karel Witt is more than a fine artist; he is a storyteller, a
            His connection to the (NeO-)dAdA or rather DEONADA movement is   time traveler, and a provocateur. His work is a testament to the power
            evident in his work. This movement, known for its mockery of the   of art to challenge, to inspire, and to transcend. As we continue to
            materialistic and nationalistic attitudes of its time, is still alive in   explore his work, we are reminded that art is not just about what we
            Witt’s art. His work embodies the spirit of this movement, challenging   see on the canvas; it’s about the conversations it sparks, the thoughts
            conventional norms and encouraging viewers to see the world from   it provokes, and the change it inspires. And in the case of Karel Witt,
            a different perspective.                               it’s clear that his art does all that and more.

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