Page 115 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
P. 115

Josip Rubes, a remarkable artist, has presented himself as a
            landscape painter in his previous exhibitions, with motifs inspired
            by the picturesque beauty of Zagorje. His depictions of the beauty of
            landscapes are not just mere representations of the physical world.
            Instead, they are imbued with a sense of emotion and personal
            connection. Rubes indulges in the breadth of space, finding interesting
            corners, and shaping characteristic hills and valleys with his measure
            of stylization.
            In his emotional adoption of the landscape, he finds a balance between
            respecting the realistic and reducing the form. This delicate balance
            allows him to capture the essence of the landscape while also infusing
            it with his unique artistic vision. Rubes has achieved the credibility
            of the appearance of landscape peculiarities, most often using the
            technique of pastels. His use of pastels allows him to create soft yet
            vibrant images that capture the subtle nuances of the landscape.
            Creating in the wake of classical aesthetics, Rubes leaned towards   A  radical  stylistic  leap  occurred  with  Rubes’  recent  exhibition
            poetic realism. This approach allows him to create works that are   performance. The motif disappeared and Rubes entered the space of
            grounded  in  reality  yet  elevated  through  the  use  of  poetic  and   abstract painting. This marked a significant shift in his artistic approach,
            artistic elements. In variations on this theme, with the richness of   moving away from the representational and towards the abstract. In the
            compositional solutions, Rubes has shown exceptional imagination.   diversity of the two expressions, there are still touch points, primarily
            His works are not just mere depictions of the landscape but are also   in the rhythmic balance of fragments and a sense of order.
            explorations of form, color, and composition.          However, in the new cycle, the gesture is freer and the color is
                                                                   brought to a coloristic scream. The dynamic surface of an extremely
                                                                   rich structure is shaped by the action of the hand over the canvas, an
                                                                   approach characteristic of action painting. This approach allows him
                                                                   to create works that are dynamic and full of energy.
                                                                   Rubes’ unexpected dialogue with intense color has proven to be not
                                                                   only a successful excursion but also a sign of visual authenticity, a sign
                                                                   of maturity, and the search for his own painting vocation. His use of
                                                                   intense color brings a new level of vibrancy and emotion to his works,
                                                                   marking a new phase in his artistic journey.
                                                                   As noted by Prof. Stanko Špoljarić, Rubes’ work is a testament to his
                                                                   ongoing exploration and evolution as an artist. His ability to transition
                                                                   from landscape painting to abstract art, while maintaining a consistent
                                                                   artistic voice, is a testament to his versatility and talent. Whether
                                                                   through the serene beauty of his landscapes or the dynamic energy
                                                                   of his abstract works, Rubes continues to captivate audiences with
                                                                   his unique artistic vision.
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