Page 82 - Art-Addiction
P. 82

aNdrea ZaNatta

       1967 born in treviso, italy
       lives and works in Martelago and venice, italy

         Andrea zanatta is one of the most interesting photographers of the young generation in Italy. Both in the
     use of black & white and colors photos, in his work is evident a particular attention to the human figure as well
     as for objects and landscapes that the artist try to fuse together to reach a non-common mixture capable of
     expressing emotions, feelings and meditative thoughts. Besides this, what really fascinates zanatta is also a
     nocturnal atmosphere where mystery, dreams and the ineffable seems gradually to become sophisticated but
     necessary elements to give birth to his compositions.
         Technically, his research is focused on movement. The figures seem almost escaping from the electronic
     eye of his camera nikon F5, sometimes almost trying to break through the rigid, linear borders of the paper,
     and, at the same time, a sort of diffuse strenght and energy that permeates the whole photograph entraps
     them. The result is to be in front of a sort of diaphanous creature that struggles with the eye of the watcher.
         Light and shadows give their contribution to this emphasis, while, behind all of this, a message of impro-
     bable freedom substantiates the content of these artworks. (AndreA PAgnes, “atMosPhere”)

     THE VENETIaN CarNIVal 01,  2003 c-tyPe Print 100 x 80 cM. / 39¼ x 31¼ in., edition 12     
     THE VENETIaN CarNIVal 02,  2003 c-tyPe Print 100 x 80 cM. / 39¼ x 31¼ in., edition 12
                                                      CoUrtesy oF art aDDiCtion gallery, stoCkholM, sweDen

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