Page 78 - Art-Addiction
P. 78

KLaUs WaNKer

      1969 born in graz, Austria
      lives and works in vienna and graz, Austria

         Claus Wanker’s ”imaginary stardom collection 2003“ sets young people into a scene, in their street
     wear and their style: colourful, cool, precise. Models from the street are are presented in a scene, their pose
     is constructed. It is the show world, the world of scenery and imaginary stardom. Flash shots of moments.
     Fame and illusion are close together. Brainwashing through branding, advertising and marketing by the big
     corporations, by the media and the music channels. The static, emotionless faces of those portrayed look
     sober, abstinent and cold – as ifbeing used to be deprived of love and to be hurt for a long time. One is
     reminded of lipsticks, make-up-artists and silicone.
         The surface of the paintings is smooth and repellant, freezing the faces of youth.The stars of the
     paintings are part of the machinery, bar codes reflect the persons. They live in the cities, in the scene, and
     like style. They flee the world, they escape into the flow, the style, the ecstasy, the drugs. reality and loss of
     reality. Plastic bags, glitter and glamour. They are fascinated by imaginary stardom, which guides and leads
     them and makes them to its slaves.
         When they return, they are alone. Unloved, frail, hypersensitive. Here, in imaginary stardom, they feel
     safe. Here they present statements – attitudes and messages – via slogans on T-shirts, which appear like
     graffities on the walls of empty subway tubes. Here, in imaginary stardom they can present themselves – as
     VIPs. In imaginary stardom  they show off as dream persons – with the words and the symbolism of labels,
     badges and logos. They want to be respected.
                          (ULrIKe AdLer reFering to kolJa kraMer, CUrator oF the art Fair For yoUng art, Vienna)

     FrOM THE sErIEs “IMaGINarY sTardOM”
     UNTITlEd, 2002 oil on cAnvAs 220 x 150 cM. / 86½ x 59 in.    
        UNTITElEd, 2003 oil on PlAstic PAnel 90 x 190 cM. / 35½ x 35½ in.
         sNEaKEr, 2001 oil on PlAstic PAnel, BAcKround Acrylic on WAll 120 x 220 cM. / 47½ x 86½ in.
                                                        COurtesy gallery, Königstein, gerMany

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