Page 116 - Art-Addiction
P. 116
1945 born in lille, France
lives and works in lille, France
As a gateway to the invisible, painting is both a form of illumination and a channel of freedom. eclip-
sed by a luminous stimulation, the invisible awakens the imagination. Light is a reverberation of the invisible,
an aspiration of the material for future possibilities because if the word has been transmuted into flesh, the
luminous vibration has been transmuted into material, and the flesh, by intention, can be transmuted back into
consciousness and the material returned to light. All of this becomes an infinite alternating movement. In this
way the material holds consciousness and the light is the vibration of consciousness. Light is therefore both
the materiality of consciousness and the consciousness of the material. stimulating the aura involves the same
feed-back process, keeping in mind that since light creates color by a subatomic vibratory process, enlighten-
ment would be the elemental memory of original light, of the original explosion, the ‘big-bang’.
saTOrI, 1998 oil on cAnvAs 116 x 89 cM. / 45¾ x 35 in.
waY OF lIGHT, 1998 oil on cAnvAs 56 x 46 cM. / 22 x 18¼ in.
TOUCH OF lIGHT, 1985 oil on cAnvAs 146 x 114 cM. / 57½ x 45 in.
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