Page 75 - ART POOL : 11 Contemporary Art Profiles
P. 75


           Pathological Space: Architecture alters our perception of physical
           space using light characteristics to blur the edges between the
           actual and virtual. The way in which we perceive, understand and
           appropriate space is varied, tailored to the individual’s psychological
           make-up, whereby even chemical balances within the brain may
           trigger subconscious associations. Simulating, capturing and
           slowing light as it engages with water the design criteria manifested
           architecturally, a  projected space, a pool. Dynamics of movement
           through water reflected in surfaces. De-realization of space and
           depersonalization of spectator.

           |  liQUid ArChiTeCTUre. virTUAl And ACTUAl displACemenT, 2003 diGiTAl GrAphiC (CG) 20x40 in. | 50x100 Cm.
           |  liQUid ArChiTeCTUre. reFrACTed spACe plAn, 2003 diGiTAl GrAphiC (CG) 30x40 in. | 75x100 Cm.
           |  liQUid  ArChiTeCTUre. liQUid dynAmiCs perspeCTive, 2003 diGiTAl GrAphiC (CG) 30x40 in. | 75x100 Cm.
           |  liQUid ArChiTeCTUre. proJeCTed reAliTies, 2003 diGiTAl GrAphiC (CG) 30x40 in. | 75x100 Cm.
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