Page 52 - Van Que : Paradise Found / Paradis Retrouvé i
P. 52


                  WiTh nO sTRings


                  Marked  by  a  prodigious  eclecticism,  both

                  enthusiastic and modest, as if he felt some
                  limits  to  his  knowledge,  whereas  precisely
                  his  culture,  his  skill  ans  his  spontaneity
                  as  a  born-painter  allow  him  to  know  no
                  limitations, save those imposed by his beloved

                  independence,  which  he  protects,  knowing           It’s  impossible  not  to  get  the  moving  message
                  himself as well as he knows how to probe the           of his series entitled  “Human woes” (wartime),
                  world in which he moves about. An altruist             with these portraits of distress and hopelessness.

                  and a loner at the same time. All that have            You can’t help watching at leisure this fresco, with
     VAN          seen his latest exhibition have realized how           in  the  Capitol  of  Toulouse,  when  “Benvenuto
                                                                         countless characters, actors and musicians, made
                  this sensitive artist masters his art in order to

     QUE          show the essence as well as the appearance of          Cellini”, by Berlioz, was rehearsed.
                  the things and beings that he paints. Always

     ARt          aware of staying “neither too near, nor too far            RUEllE à COllIOURE
                  from reality”, he follows the advice of TS’i
                                                                             1966 GOUAChE ON PAPER 15½x11½ IN. / 40x30 CM.
                  PaÏ-Che, who died 26 years ago.                            RUE CAFFE (EMbRUN) 
              48   48                                                        1995 OIl ON CANVAS 23½x11½ IN. / 60x30 CM.
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