Page 99 - Marlie Burton Roche : Landscape and Bread
P. 99

is indeed a challenging area for Uriba’s                    and resulted in much closer cooperation
               ‘rehabilitation’ project in Colombia. This is an            between the two insurgency factions. In

               area populated by refugees from the political               contrast, apart from seizing a few outlying
               violence in the 1950s and it has been acutely               towns in the demilitarized zone, the U.S.-
               receptive to guerrilla influence. The National              Colombian offensive has suffered several
               Liberation Army ELN, a revolutionary                        strategic defeats and there have been a
               organization operating in conjunction with                  significant number of fatalities in the military

               the FARC insurgency, has worked in this                     sponsored paramilitary death squads.
               region ideologically for some time and enjoys
               significant support of the population as well                 Given the formidable strength and prolonged

               as the affinity of the local government.                    experience of the FARC and the strategic
                                                                           adroitness of its leader, Manuel Marulanda,
                Without a doubt the ambition to construct an               and his high command, the U.S.-Colombia war
               empire by way of direct economic domination                 will undoubtedly be a long one, characterized
               faces an immense array of political, social,                by intensified intervention on the part of

               and military impediments in Colombia and                    United States, more and more paramilitary
               the imperial quest for power is a long way                  terror, and extensive undiscriminating
               from realization. Immense popular opposition                bombing of civilians.  The nightmare of

               to the civil-military regime is found in the                Vietnam comes to mind.
               very powerful multi-sector agricultural
               movement which includes farmers, peasants,                     We live in a period marked by U.S.
               and rural workers, who have been prejudiced                 sponsored military-political offensives,
               by cuts in government credits, the open door                military coups or attempted coups, and

               policy towards cheap U.S. food imports, and                 political polarities countervailed by mass
               the low price of their export commodities.                  direct action. The acceleration of the popular
               Opposition is also seen in the militant trade               socio-political movements and revolutionary

               union struggles, particularly evident in the oil,           insurgencies has exposed the true character
               public employee, agricultural, and industrial               of the imperial enterprise. But the political
               sectors. In fact, imperial multilateral                     outcomes are not yet determined. Vassal
               economic institutions are losing their capacity             presidents surface and succumb as new
               to control macro-economic policy in the face                replacements are decreed, while deficiencies

               of mass opposition.                                         and shortcomings of reformist policies have
                                                                           once again brought socialism to the forefront
                 But the most powerful and well-organized                  as the revolutionary movements continue

               guerrilla movement in present-day history,                  to ascend. However, there is no assured
               FARC and ELN, constitute the most                           or precognitive result. Political awareness,
               cogent oppositional force. The U.S. led                     mindful organizing, and courageous human
               tactics to negate the peace negotiations                    intervention are requisite to effectuate a
               and to militarize the neutral zone ended up                 genuine overturn of the ongoing imperial

               contributing to one of the most successful                  offensive and bring about a well-fortified
               counter-offensive victories for the guerrillas              socialist revolution.

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