Page 98 - Marlie Burton Roche : Landscape and Bread
P. 98

The magnitude of the successes of the FARC                plan was to block off the FARC inside the
                as a political-military force in the late 1990s            demilitarized zone and use delaying tactics

                compelled the Colombian government to the                  while government troops were trained,
                negotiating table. But the peace negotiations              armed, and taught the use of advanced high-
               were just a ruse on the part of  Washington and             tech electronic equipment by U.S. military
                the Colombian government to delay an all-out               advisors, and then suddenly end negotiations
                attack by the FARC on the main urban centres               and assault the region with a massive land and

                of Colombia. The real goal was to gain enough              air offensive, killing or arresting the FARC
                time to build up the Colombian armed forces                leadership and crippling the insurgency. The
                strength and capability while amplifying U.S.              strategy failed. The FARC continue to be

                military intervention and strategy. Efforts                active outside the peace zone and their forces
               were made to split FARC through an offer                    have been strengthened rather than weakened
                of an electoral option, as was done in El                  within the demilitarized zone. The truth is, the
               Salvador. But FARC, aware of the brutality                  FARC did not sustain any significant losses
                directed towards the left in the late 1980s                when Pastrana broke off peace negotiations.

               when 4000 progressive political activists were
                assassinated, and cognizant also of the tragic                In 2002, the first stage of a $94 million
               failure of the Central American guerrillas-                 program, devised to help Colombia’s war

                turned-politicians when they became part                   effort and keep the oil flowing in the Cano
                of the electoral system to implement any                   Limon pipeline, was approve by the U.S.
                significant socio-economic change, rejected                congress. Part of that program commenced
                the offer and refused to surrender. They                   in October of 2002 when a new contingent
                had demanded fundamental reforms of the                    of U.S. military advisors arrived in Saravena,

                political and economic structures of the                   Colombia, to teach 4000 Colombian army
                Colombian state as preconditions for any                   personnel how to go about protecting the
                peace accord. The democratic and socio-                    500-mile long oil pipeline operated by

                economic reforms that the FARC proposed                    Occidental Petroleum Corporation of Los
               were vehemently rejected by the Unites States               Angeles, California, U.S.A. This is a pipeline
                and the government of Andrés Pastrana, then                that is a frequent target of the guerrilla
                president of Colombia.                                     forces. President Alvaro Uribe designated

                                                                           the area in the vicinity of Saravena, in the
                  Meanwhile, under the guise of negotiating                eastern province of Arauca, a “rehabilitation
               for peace, the government of Colombia                       and consolidation” zone. A government
                and the U.S. were assiduously funding                      decree has authorized the military forces

                and promoting the activities of rightwing                  assigned to this zone, to carry out searches
                paramilitary organizations, groups that were               without warrants, intercept telephone and
                responsible for the destruction of whole                   radio conversations, restrict the activities of
                towns and villages, the displacement of                    people and transportation of cargo, and to
                millions of peasants and trade unionists, and              indiscriminately seize private property for

                the brutal murder of thousands of peasants                 the war effort. Uriba intends to bring the area
                suspected of being leftist sympathizers. The               wholly under government control. Saravana

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