Page 314 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume three
P. 314

“It has been an honor for me, to paint                        When he started, he felt the ancestral and spiritual

           the extraordinary people of the ancient                       energy. I call him, my ‘Mural Miracle Maker’ -

           civilization of the  Heiltsuk Nation, with                    Hilistis ‘Pauline’ Waterfall Duka’aisla William

           historical records going back some 9,500                      Housty – Heiltsuk Nation, acknowledged and

           years.  My Basque Heritage, the oldest race                   thanked Ygartua for the deep respect he showed

           of Europe and my interest in the First People                 when dealing with their ancestors. He presented

           of the World and the preservation of

           all ancient cultures, gives me great

           pride  to  be  part  of  the  enrichment

           and presentation of the legacy that

           contributes to the rich cultural heritage of                 Ygartua with the Beaded Eagle Feather “Which

          Bella Bella.”                                                  represents the strength, unity, and power that

                                                                         comes from the wings of the Great Eagle - It

          Hilistis ‘Pauline’ Waterfall, an advocate for                  comes from all of our people.

           access to education for all First Nations people,

          2010 Order of BC recipient, educator, founding                 Paul was humbled and honored by the Eagle

           member  of  the  Indigenous  Adult  &  Higher                 Feather gifted to him by the Heiltsuk Nation,

          Learning Association, proud ambassador,                        on Saturday, July 6, 2013. Understanding

           member, and “Keeper of the Knowledge” of                      the symbolism of the Eagle Feather it will be

           the Heiltsuk Nation, and instrumental part of                 treasured with deep appreciation and affection.

           making this day possible, during her introduction            The feather is a powerful symbol that signifies

           of the artist she said “What endeared me most                 honor and a connection between the owner, the

           was Paul’s openness to culture, his openness to               Creator, and the bird from which the feather

           learning and his willingness to capture the spirit            came. It symbolizes trust, honor, strength,

           and essence of our ancestors. In the old days,                wisdom, power and freedom being deeply

           our people believed that if you could capture the             revered and a sign of high honor.

           spirit of someone in a photograph, or a painting,

           then it was an eternal treasure that kept us                  Paul Ygartua and his wife Joan exchanged

           connected to them.                                            an emotional hug with an equally emotional

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