Page 273 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume three
P. 273

their dynamic qualities: the artist succeeds                  polychromatic composition has not matured

           in representing shapes through a game of                      through rational thoughts, but via impressions,

           strengths and energies that are released                      commotions and euphoric excitements. In this

           through reciprocal interactions, thus managing                way the painter recreates the emotional track

           to reproduce the expressive value of objects.                 generated by external visions. His works have

                                                                         a very high conceptual level, triggered entirely

          Ygartua’s art is a means of understanding the                  by the intense observation of a world which is

           power of the vital movements of the world, a                  more sensorial than material.

           way of realizing its value and its power; his

           creations offer spectators the opportunity  The  pictorial  components are  elaborated

           to comprehend the relationships that exist                    quickly, in a crescendo of tonal and gestural

           between the various elements that make                        evolutions. If the colored scenes recreate a slow,

           up reality. In works like “Dark Interlude”,  synthetic and apparently two-dimensional

          “Infinity” or “Kaleidoscope” all the vibrations                progress, the expressive orchestrations in the

           and movements that animate reality come to                    foreground succeed in transmitting movement

           life in the form of agglomerates of shapes and                to the whole visual structure, conveying body

           colours which accumulate and pursue each                      and life to the work. The artist hasn’t simply

           other in sequence.                                            identified and selected certain features of the

                                                                         sensitive world, but has chosen to recreate its

          Everything seems to be fragmented, against a                   expressive dynamics.

           monochrome background, or created with just

           a few shades, with the addition of splinters                  Inside these visual statements, where the

           of consistency and small planes of segmented                  work is an authentic emotional thought and

           objectivity.                                                  a tribute to the flow of vital energy, one also

                                                                         finds formal references, included largely for

          The combination of parts explodes in a single                  their metaphoric significance rather than for

           point: it’s as though a calm and static surface               their objective value. Excerpt.

           has split open (from the Greek chaos) and a                                  Flora Rovigo, Art Historian, Italy

           throbbing organic mass has deflagrated. This

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