Page 174 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume three
P. 174

The first time Paul painted a Western                          available) Scottsdale is known as The
           Series was in the early 70’s in Vancouver,  West’s most Western Town.

           when his Father-In-Law decided to open
           the Apollo Gallery on West Broadway  In the 80’s he was commissioned to paint

           (April 1, 1970).                                              Napoleon and his cavalry, then in 1981
                                                                         when we lived in Waikiki for nearly two

          A local client commissioned him to
           do  several  copies  of  C.M.  Russell,

           (early 1900’s) the famous American
           artist of the American Old West (the

           cowboy artist). Once again, even
           though he had never entertained the

           idea of this subject at the time,
           he approached it and just like

           that, it was as if he had been painting  years (Anton, our son, born in 1981 in

           the Old West for years. (we have not  Waikiki) he was commissioned to do

           been able to locate these photos of this  four large paintings, a small mural for

          Russell Series)                                                the Rodeo Club there.

          Then again in the late 70’s, Paul  was  Then in 2001 he was commissioned to do

           resident artist in Scottsdale Arizona                         a mural for The Rodeo, Cloverdale, BC.
           (Camelback, La Posada Inn) at the De  During the 80’s he was commissioned

          La Mano Gallery, where he painted the                          to do the Thoroughbred’s from an
           natives from the area, the Hopis, the  Equestrian Club in Ottawa. We made

          Navajos, the Desert People, Sonora                             contact in 1986/87 during our sojourn
          Mexico. But we were in cowboy country,  in Quebec City  with Colleen Fogherty

           so once again he was commissioned to                          at her Ottawa Gallery, Ygartua was
           do studies of  the Great West (no photos  represented by Studio Colleen for the

                                                                         following ten years until she retired.


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