Page 171 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume three
P. 171
A greater example of his talent was
when a mutual friend, who is a
collector of Napoleonic memorabilia,
wanted a 3’ x 6’ painting of the Scots
Greys charge at Waterloo (a La Elizabeth foreshortening of the watch captain’s
Butler). I showed the concept to a few outstretched arm in the “Night Watch”.
artist friends who baulked at the enormous One day, essays may be written about
project, quoting weeks or months for Ygartua’s “Scots Greys”.
I’ve often compared the experience of
My friend approached Paul on Saturday watching Paul work, and discussing it
while having dinner at my home, about with him while he works, to being in
doing the job. He said he would fit it Hemingway’s studio or at Beethoven’s
in the following week, because it looked piano while they composed, freely
like an interesting challenge, and would asking questions about each line and the
have it delivered on Thursday. creative process. It is a rare occurrence
On Thursday morning (Paul seldom to find an artist/creator of Paul’s caliber,
misses deadlines) we had the unveiling. with whom you can do that. Knowing
Seventeen horses and riders coming Paul Ygartua has been one of the most
right at you. Every hoof, torso, leg and fascinating experiences of my life. I hope
arm perfectly foreshortened. this book will allow more art lovers to
A tour de force. I’ve heard whole essays know one of the great masters of today.
have been written about Rembrandt’s Michael Silverbrooke,
Collector and Art Historian