Page 11 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume two
P. 11

do you want your children to learn from
          What are your impressions of that first                        this experience?

           summer in Gorliz? How old were you?                          The Basques fought so hard to preserve
          I had my own donkey at four and half                           their race and culture that one cannot

           years of age in the Basque Country, he                        go to the Basque Country without
           was the same age as me and he was born                        feeling this pride and admiration of

           on the family farm – they said it was mine                    their  resilience  and  determination.  My
           and his name was Mayo. The traditions,  children,  I want them to learn that there

           the family farmhouse, Amezaga, my                             is a place in everybody’s heart that they
          Aunts and Uncles, my Grandparents are                          have to return to and I want them to

           without doubt the best memories of my                         have that same sensation of belonging, a
           childhood. The annual visit to the Basque                     connection to our ancestors.

           Country has converted into a family
           tradition for me. Before with my parents                      Can’t help to mention the Beatles, since

           and now with my wife and children and                         I learned you went to the Liverpool Art
           now my grandchildren. It was important                        College with John Lennon. How did it feel

           for my Father to impregnate the Basque                        to be part of that creativity, of a generation
           pride and teach us the importance of his                      that  was  making  something  completely

           pueblo Gorliz, and now I consider it my                       new? Did it influence your art?
           duty to pass on this pride and enduring                       In the 60’s Liverpool was the melting pot

           resilience to the next generation. My                         for talent, everybody was close to somebody
          Basque roots and my love for this country                      that ended up famous, but by the mid-60’s

           are stronger than ever and this is the                        people were leaving and Liverpool started
           reason why I return every year.                               to lose its popularity.

          I guess it was quite important for you,  The Beatles: They proved that one can

           since you keep coming back every summer                       become famous, even  if they came from
           with your wife and your children. What                       Liverpool, made you believe everything

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