Page 10 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume two
P. 10
and his family. As he came from a farm, Your mother was a painter as well, was she
his passion was his garden and he grew a big influence?
produce that was typical from his region. My Mother gave me the opportunity to
My Mother learned Spanish and learned paint and draw when I was very young;
how to cook the Basque traditional food. I painted alongside her from the age of
My Father kept close ties with some of six during our summer holidays in the
his comrades from the ship and we would Basque Country. She was the only reason
get together every month at the Basque why I got to art school, she insisted that
Club in Liverpool. I go; she knew that was my direction.
So my brother and I had the opportunity She created the possibility for me to start
to experience not only the Basque painting. I did go to art school, but my
Community in Liverpool, but we also Father insisted that I take an industrial
spent every summer in the Basque design course rather than fine arts as
country to visit our family, to be with our he felt that one must have a profession
cousins, to learn the Spanish language that would guarantee employment. You
and experience the unforgettable fiestas, don’t realize when you are young that
the quadrillas –it was part of our life. your parents do have an influence on
He never got over leaving the Basque your future, but often this is the case.
country, only 18 years of age, severed
from his country and family; it was a When and where did you begin to feel that,
time of suffering for many. Possibly yes, you might also have that talent and
due to these circumstances, his pride that passion?
and perseverance to preserve his Basque My big inspiration has been my wife, Joanne
heritage was foremost. His dream was and my Father-in-law. They recognized
to retire to the Basque Country, but the talent that I had, they challenged me,
unfortunately he passed away when he they believed in me. You don’t just become
was 64. an artist; it took me thirty years to break
through the barriers, painting every day.