Page 12 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume one
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project such as murals is always a challenge
and once completed you do reach a level of It got more and more involved, until the
euphoria. The most recent mural United in end I was visiting other important cities in
our History, focusing on the Heiltsuk Nation the world but as the virus itself. Then with
of 9,000 years (Bella, Bella) Canada, was George Floyd’s death I started another new
an honour and a privilege to be the chosen series Tribes and once again, it started with
muralist for this very important historical George, but, then I got involved with the
dedication to our First People of Canada. artists and their work and tributes to some
of my favourite geniuses in the art world.
How long does it take to produce one work? These are now up on my website www.
Everything depends on the style, could, but will also be catalogued
be an hour, or ten hours or two days or a and printed.
mural several days. After starting a painting
it is a race to the finish. It is a thrill from I have also returned to another fascinating
beginning to end. medium which I created in the 80’s but
left for many years due to the toxic paint,
What exciting projects are you working on but now they have water based acrylics so
now? I am now working on special projects in
Due to COVID 19 I have been busy since this medium - description of this medium
last March working on many new projects. below. Looking at projects now and up to
The first one was a special COVID 19 show the New Year will include my celestialism
and this took place at the Ukama Gallery, -my adaptation of surrealism, delving into
here in Vancouver. I ventured out into the the phenomenon of the fifth dimension.
unknown, as my subject matter was the
virus, I started to go down many new paths, Future Conceptualism
fantasy, surrealism, imagining myself as the Future Conceptualism is a revolutionary
virus. technique developed by Paul Ygartua.