Page 10 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume one
P. 10
I sketched, as a child, with my Mother,
When working freehand with no scale or who was also a painter. When we returned
projector, you must imagine the image, to the Basque Country, Northern Spain,
see it in your mind’s eye and envision the my Father’s birthplace, for the summer
painting mural finished. It is an addiction vacations, I used to work alongside her on
and I can’t wait to start the next painting. location.
It is exciting to challenge oneself with each
work, always searching within, this opens How do you describe yourself and your
new doors, new horizons–it never ends. artwork?
It is a passion I feel and it is this emotion Eclectic and spontaneous--when working
that I try to portray in all my works. with abstracts, the idea grows, sometimes
changes, sometimes free flowing, it is a
Could you please introduce yourself and continual movement from beginning to end.
tell us how you started in the arts? And My Philosophy - The next painting will be
your first experience in art making? the best. It has been an ongoing struggle
I am a free spirited adventurer who for perfection - being able to break through
approaches my art in the same way, every mental and physical barriers, pushing the
painting is an experiment and an adventure. envelope to realizing and developing that
As such, I have no particular style. I work vision until ultimately a style is born. Then
with a style until I develop it as far as I can taking that style and working it until it
go, then I change and move on to another cannot be developed further and only
idea--always keeping my hand in and never then moving on to adapt this to new ideas,
losing any of the positive styles that I have taking you on a journey of versatility and
had, going back sometimes years later, is determination to the next painting. I am
an opportunity to take the style further to always looking to improve on each work
finality. so as to fine tune my coordination between
body, mind and spirit with emphasis on