Page 269 - YGARTUA : The Work Of A Genius
P. 269
This series features The People from another World, possibly heritage and dignity of these people, who have often been
the First People from various parts across North America, marginalized and oppressed throughout history. Through his
painted in Ygartua’s signature style which blends realism with art, Ygartua hopes to bring recognition to the unique and diverse
impressionistic elements. traditions and beliefs of indigenous cultures, and to encourage a
“In Arizona I painted the Navajos and Hopis where I was a resident deeper appreciation for their contributions to humanity.
artist in the De La Mano Gallery in Scottsdale. I painted the Incas Ygartua’s works of art are characterized by their vibrant colors
and the Aztecs (Teotihuacan, Mexico) for the Golden Cactus and intricate details, capturing the essence of the subjects and
Gallery in Cabo San Lucas and San Jose, Mexico and I painted their cultural heritage. Through his art, Ygartua seeks to raise
the natives from the Amazon during our 6 month sojourn in awareness about the plight of indigenous communities and to
Rio de Janeiro”. The aim of the series is to preserve the cultural help preserve their cultural traditions for future generations.*