Page 266 - YGARTUA : The Work Of A Genius
P. 266
NAPOLEON’S INVASION OF RUSSIA 1812 It was captivating to begin with and what made it even more
interesting for me, was the combination of the historic subject matter
Sometime in the 80’s I was commissioned to do the above of the Russian War of 1812 and becoming familiar with Tchaikovsky’s
painting of Napoleon, subsequently, we had the opportunity to “1812 Overture” written especially for Russia, to commemorate the
buy it back 20 years later at the beginning of the millennium. successful Russian defense against Napoleon’s invading Grande
It now remains one of our most valued paintings and is in our Armee in 1812. “1812 Overture” is one of the best-known pieces
Ygartua family collection. ever composed written in 1880 by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Upon
On occasion I get interesting commissions that I would never hearing this extraordinarily powerful music, (quite fitting for this
have committed to if it weren’t for the client who is so passionate painting) it was emotional and inspiring and I felt an obligation to
about a particular subject. Once commissioned I have to do capture the essence of this subject, it was monumental. Through
some research and even though everybody has heard about the music I actually felt that I was in Russia, suffering the terrible
Napoleon’s Retreat from Russia. I don’t believe that I had ever hazardous winter weather and the onslaught of the Russian army
come across this painting “unknown painter” that was on the closely behind. Napoleon defeated, yet proudly astride his stately
cover of Tchaikovsky’s, now vintage album “1812 Overture”!. white stallion “Marengo” porting his military attire with his traditional
This famous painting “Napoleon’s Retreat from Russia 1812” outfit, his heavy winter overcoat and his historical two cornered hat,
graced this vintage album cover. “The Bicorne”. I worked solely from Tchaikovsky’s album cover.”