P. 9

thought, because the tone of her words was beginning to    absurd. Well, but absurdity can be art, too, said the lady. The
           punch like needles. I do like cooking, I ruminated.        aesthetic of the absurd or the absurd of the aesthetic. Like
           - These are new concepts, ways of doing actions that can   a brave man I wanted to go farther and said to myself. Art,
           be considered absurd, but the absurdity is, in itself, a work   if it exists is art, and if it did not exist, then its non-existence

           of art.                                                    would also be art. If we accept that absurdity makes sense,
           Said the lady.                                             then it will cease to be absurd and therefore will no longer
           The  gentleman scratched  his neck. It  seemed  that       be art. Well, no, since ceasing to be can in itself be art. As
           something was poking around him.                           you can see, influenced by the deep thoughts of the lady,
           - And so, what should be valued?                           I was starting to be on the same line. Beauty is not art,
           He asked.                                                  because if it were art it would not be beauty. Either it’s
           - Nothing should be valued!                                beauty or it’s art. Art is everything and everything is art. If

           The lady replied a little angry. She stopped talking for a   art demands concepts it is art and if not it is also art. That
           while, but her desire to let him know what it all was forced   is why art is always art.
           her to continue.                                           That artist practiced his performance. What a wonder!
           - Look, the ways and concepts on which this new form       One video showed how, with an ax and large hammers, he
           of action is based are completely relative and cannot be   destroyed a furnished space. It had been a performance
           valued by your logic. It seems as if there is nothing but logic   in a gallery anywhere in the world. Don’t ask me where.
           for you. You have to know that the artist is a breakthrough   There you could see how everything was crumbling.
           of his time.                                               What a wonder! Vandalism raised to the highest level of
           The lady looked up and gasped. The gentleman, though       contemporary art creation. I could also be an artist I thought

           not as much as the lady, was beginning to be angry too.    and why not better than that? Not today, because I am
           - Look at me and listen to me!                             tired of so much hesitation, but tomorrow I will destroy
           She resumed.                                               the world and thus be the greatest artist in all of human
           - You like Monet’s painting, that exhibition we saw in the   history. God created and I destroy. The aesthetics of the
           Grand Palais yesterday. Well, over a hundred years ago,    destruction of the world. What a wonder!
           people like you were saying exactly what you are saying    And all at once, without losing a single moment, I continue
           now. I’ll give you an example. Pregnant women were then    with my hesitations: but if art needs the viewer to be art

           told not to go to Impressionist artists’ exhibitions because   and I destroy the world, there will be no one left to be a
           they would lose their child. They said that because they   spectator. Answer. From now on, art can be art without a
           considered it scary. Do you believe me or not?             spectator and that is so because I say it.
           The lady said in a slightly angry tone.                    There will be no museums, no galleries, no artists, no
           The burning of the object was part of the destructive action   spectators, no works created. Everything will be destroyed!
           in one of a series of exposed works.                       What a wonder! What a great artist! And God, will God be
           The man with a certain touch of irony:                     there? I will destroy him. With the destruction of God, I will
           - He seems not to be a great artist, because he doesn’t    free human beings. I will also release them, because I will
           finish his job and leaves the items half burned.           also destroy them. And I? I will destroy myself too. Nothing
           The lady, seeing the ironic tone of the man, shook her head   will be left. Nothing. What a wonder!

           in contempt, and did not answer.                           And will you be there? Come on! What a question!
           Little by little, influenced by that conversation, I was   I’m great! or?
           beginning to think, after reflecting so much, that art was                                   Jordi Rodríguez-Amat
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