P. 8

enough to show that it requires a certain personal mental    many other values, are elements that allow us to create new
         state, which allows access to new forms of human actions     forms of human actions and contemporary art is one of them.
         through great effort.                                        You have to think that liberating yourself from the forms you
         And the lady, very cheerful, continued.                      call art is a manifestation of that freedom. And the artist has

         - You know that everything is relative, that there is nothing   been and is a breakthrough in his time.
         absolute. Even the very existence of human beings is relative.   Proponents of contemporary art movements need to change
         In addition, there is nothing static and the fact of thinking   the way they see and appreciate art. Others, with a high
         itself is constantly evolving. You say that contemporary art   degree of skepticism, state that eternal principles are the only
         is not art, that all this is absurd. Why don’t you accept that   ones that should structure art. Under these discrepancies,
         even the absurd can be accepted as art and thus also reach   it must be accepted that there is an inalienable right of the
         artistic values? Even the aesthetics I talked about before are   individual to uphold his principles, whatever their nature

         relative. Art, today, destroys established principles and does   may be.
         so voluntarily, consciously. The logic of the illogical and the   Despite this relativity, it must be stated that today the criteria
         assessment of the absurd elevated to a work of art. And this   for appreciation of so-called contemporary art cannot be
         is art because it has been the artists themselves who have   based on pure, merely aesthetic principles. The fact that
         evolved these new forms of the human spirit. If we look at the   we cannot value it with the same criteria that we were
         evolution of the art of the last century, the twentieth century,   used previously, we need to have, constantly, to use the
         we will see how everything has evolved continuously. Each    contemporary adjective to specify what we are talking about.
         artist has made new contributions, they had new ideas to     Some, even contemporary art proponents, say it should take
         achieve what we are seeing here. And, moreover, this is art   another name.

         because the artist says it is. Art is what the artist says “This   Today, there is a strong predisposition to conceptualize, to
         is art” and, my dear, that’s all.                            theorize any principle that can at the same time be translated
         I, despite making a lot of effort to continue the conversation,   into simple artistic action. Each artist has a clear tendency
         was already losing myself. I also thought that I could be one of   to define his own work within certain parameters and to
         those sages just to try to understand the whole conversation.   delineate his world to achieve a personal status and different
         The thing is, I didn’t create anything new, I just wanted to   from any other in his environment.
         understand what those two people were talking about. At      Openly admitting the plurality of principles and the globality

         one point, I thought that with so many reflections, the two   of thoughts, art nowadays has the capacity to expand,
         of them could be tired, but the energy and the faith they    guide and at the same time develop the consciousness of
         put in their conversation was very great and they felt brave.  the individual.
         They stopped for a few seconds and I took the opportunity    With my reflections I was afraid for a moment of missing the
         to look at the lady’s legs. Even though I had her on my right   conversation and sharpened my ear again.
         side next to me, looking from the corner of my eyes, I could   Now, it was the gentleman who was speaking.
         see that she put her skirt rising above her knee. Powerful   - Do you think this set of false teeth in that box can be
         thighs, I thought. Little by little, the lady seemed to be exalted.   considered art?
         Her faith was so great that when she spoke, her cheeks       The lady, becoming angry, answered him.
         turned red.                                                  - But I didn’t tell you, you can’t value these works the same

         - It seems that you don’t know anything at all.              way you would with any non-contemporary work?
         She resumed.                                                 I would not like to see that lady in my house cooking. Well,
         - Mental structures, freedom of spirit, imagination, among   I don’t think that lady cooked much. What a character! I
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