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Education                                                  Professional Experience
           Les Ateliers des Beaux Arts de la Ville de Paris, 2007 – 2009.  1995 – 2010: Lecturer, Development Issues, Summer Sessions,

           Continuing Education, Corcoran School of Art and Design,   Sophia University, Tokyo.
           Washington D.C., 1984 – 2002.                              2001 – 2003: Senior Adviser, Vice President’s Office, Operations
           Int’l Studies: M.A. and Ph.D. at the School of Advanced Int’l   and Country Services Department, the World Bank.

           Studies, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1965 – 1972.   2001: Senior Adviser on secondment from the World Bank,
           B.A. at the University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo, 1963.   Department of Integration, Inter-American Development Bank.
                                                                      1991 – 2001: Deputy Manager on secondment from the World
           Sculpture and Painting Exhibitions and Installations       Bank, Financial Support Services Sub-department, Inter-
           September – October 2018: Migrants, International Sculpture   American Development Bank.

           Center Professional Member Exhibition, Chicago, Ill. USA.  1976 – 1991: Loan Officer, Senior Country Officer, Operations
           March 2018: Asia House, London, UK.                        Department, Africa and Latin America Regions, the World Bank.
           February 2018: Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, UK.

           February 2018: Parallax Int’l Art Fair, Kensington Town Hall.  Publications
           June 2016: Migrants Parallax Art Fair,London, UK.          A Woman Flying Alone in the World: Twenty-Eight Years of
           May – June 2014: Japan to the West: the Art of Setsuko Ono.   Experience at the World Bank. Tokyo: Kodansha, 2005.
           Japan Information and Cultural Center, D.C. USA.           “In  Search  of Development  II:  Jamaica,”  Mainichi  Weekly
           April 2011: Dreams, Hara Arc Museum of Contemporary Art,   (Tokyo), November 3, 1990.

           Gunnma, Takasaki, Japan.                                   “In Search of Development: Mauritania,” Mainichi Weekly,
           February 2011: Ocean, SSR Building, Shinagawa, Tokyo.      August 25, 1990.
           March – April 2009: “ For Our Beautiful Earth: Resistance   “Fragile Blossom, Fragile Superpower – A New Interpretation?”

           to Overwhelming Force and Dreams of Peace,” Individual     Japan Quarterly, January-March, vol. XXIII, 1976.
           Painting Exhibit, Decima Havana Bienal, Cuba.              The Western Image of Japan. Geneva, Switzerland: Imprimerie
           November 2005 – October 2006: “Music,” Individual Sculpture   du Courrier, 1972.
           Exhibit in McKeldin Square, Inner Harbor, Baltimore, USA.
           November 2003: “Dreams”, Individual Public Sculpture Exhibit,   Languages

           Octava Havana Bienal, Cuba.                                Japanese (native), English, French, Spanish.

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