Page 274 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 274
The Decameron still, with the same composed expression with which she had borne tears and lamentations of all who saw her. Giannucolo, who had ever
Fortune's former buffets, she set herself to endure this last outrage.
deemed it a thing incredible that Gualtieri should keep his daughter
as his wife, and had looked for this to happen every day, and had
Nor was it long before Gualtieri, by counterfeit letters, which he
kept the clothes that she had put off on the morning that Gualtieri
caused to be sent to him from Rome, made his servants believe that
had wedded her, now brought them to her; and she, having resumed
the Pope had thereby given him a dispensation to put Griselda away
them, applied herself to the petty drudgery of her father's house,
and take another wife. Wherefore, having caused her to be brought
before him, he said to her in the presence of not a few: "Wife, by
of adverse Fortune.
license granted me by the Pope, I am now free to put you away and
take another wife; and, as my forebears have always been great as she had been wont, enduring with fortitude this cruel visitation
gentlemen and lords of these parts, whereas yours have ever been No sooner had Gualtieri dismissed Griselda than he gave his
farmers, I purpose that you go back to Giannucolo's house with the servants to understand that he had taken to wife a daughter of one
dowry that you brought me; whereupon I shall bring home a lady of the Counts of Panago. He accordingly made great preparations
that I have found, and who is suitable to be my wife." for the wedding, during which he sent for Griselda. To whom, being
come, he said: "I am bringing here my new bride, and in this her
It was not without grievous travail that the lady, as she heard first homecoming I purpose to show her honor; and you know that
this announcement, got the better of her woman's nature, and I have no women in the house who know how to set chambers
suppressing her tears, made answer: "My lord, I ever knew that in order or attend to the many other matters that so joyful an
my low degree was in no wise congruous with your nobility, and event requires; therefore, do you, who understand these things
acknowledged that the rank I had with you was of your and God's better than another, see to all that needs to be done, and invite
bestowal, nor did I ever make as if it were mine by gift, or so esteem such ladies as you see fit, and receive them as if you were the
it, but still accounted it as a loan. It is your pleasure to recall it, and lady of the house, and then, when the wedding is ended, you may
therefore it should be, and is, my pleasure to render it up to you. go back to your cottage." Although each of these words pierced
So, here is your ring, with which you espoused me; take it back. You Griselda's heart like a knife, for in resigning her good fortune,
bid me take with me the dowry that I brought you; which to do will she had not been able to renounce the love she bore Gualtieri,
require neither paymaster on your part nor purse nor packhorse on nevertheless, she answered: "My lord, I am ready and prompt to
mine; for I am not unmindful that naked was I when you first had do your pleasure."
me. And if you deem it seemly that the body in which I have borne
children, by you begotten, be beheld of all, naked will I depart; but And so, clad in her sorry garments of coarse romagnole, she entered
yet, I pray you, be pleased, in return for the virginity that I brought the house, which, but a little before, she had left in her shift, and set
you and take not away, to suffer me to bear hence upon my back a about sweeping the chambers, arranging tapestries and cushions
single shift, I crave no more, besides my dowry." There was nothing in the halls, preparing the kitchen, and attending to everything
of which Gualtieri was so fain as to weep; but yet, setting his face as if she were a lowly serving-wench. She did not rest until she
as a flint, he made answer: "I allow you a shift to your back; so get had brought everything into the proper and seemly order that the
you hence." All that stood by besought him to give her a robe, that occasion demanded. This done, she invited all the ladies of those
she, who had been his wife for thirteen years and more, might not parts to be present at Gualtieri's wedding in his name and awaited
be seen to quit his house in so sorry and shameful a plight, having the event. The day arrived, and still wearing her sorry clothes, but
nothing on her but a shift. But their entreaties went for nothing: the in heart, soul, and demeanor a lady, she received the ladies as they
lady in her shift, and barefoot and bareheaded, having bid them came and greeted each with a cheerful welcome.
adieu, departed the house, and went back to her father amid the
The Decameron