Page 273 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 273

not content with what he had done, he now even more poignantly
            She had not been long with Gualtieri before she conceived, and in   afflicted the lady; and one day, with a ruffled expression, said:
            due time, she was delivered of a girl, at which Gualtieri made great   "Wife, since you gave birth to this boy, I can no longer live in peace
            cheer. But soon after, a strange humor took possession of him, to put   with my servants, so bitterly do they reproach me that a grandson
            her patience to the proof by prolonged and intolerable hard usage.  of Giannucolo is to succeed me as their lord; and therefore I fear
                                                                   that, unless I am not minded to be sent packing, I must do as I did
            He began by afflicting her with his gibes, putting on a vexed air, and   before, and in the end put you away and take another wife." The lady
            telling her that his vassals were most sorely dissatisfied with her   heard him patiently and answered only: "My lord, study how you may
            due to her lowly condition, and even more so since they saw that   content yourself and best please yourself, and waste no thought upon
            she was a mother, and they did nothing but ruefully murmur at the   me, for there is nothing I desire save in so far as I know that it is your
            birth of a daughter. To this, Griselda, without the least change of   pleasure." Not many days after, Gualtieri, in the same manner as he
            countenance or sign of discomposure, replied: "My lord, do with me   had sent for the daughter, sent for the son, and having made a show
            as you deem best for your own honor and comfort, for I know well   of putting him to death, provided for his, as for the girl's, nurture
            that I am of less account than they, and unworthy of this honorable   at Bologna. The lady showed no more discomposure of expression
            estate to which you have advanced me out of your courtesy."  or speech than at the loss of her daughter, which Gualtieri found
                                                                   passing strange and inwardly affirmed that there was never another
            Gualtieri was well pleased with her answer, knowing that she was   woman in the world who would have done so. But he had marked
            in no way puffed up with pride by his or anyone else's honorable   that she was most tenderly affectionate towards her children, while
            treatment of her. A while later, having generally informed his wife   it was well-pleasing to him, he had supposed that she was tired of
            that the servants could not endure her daughter, he sent her a   them, whereas he knew that it was out of her discretion that she
            message by a servant. The servant came and said, with a most   so acted. His servants, who believed that he had put the children to
            sorrowful expression: "Madam, so I value my life, I must do my   death, held him mightily to blame for his cruelty and felt the utmost
            lord's bidding. He has ordered me to take your daughter and..." He   compassion for the lady. She, however, said nothing to the ladies
            said no more, but the lady, by what she heard, read in his face, and   who condoled with her on the death of her children, but that the
            remembered her husband's words, understood that he was ordered   pleasure of him who had begotten them was her pleasure likewise.
            to put the child to death. Whereupon she took the child from the
            cradle, kissed and blessed her, and although she was very sore   Years passed since the girl's birth, when Gualtieri at length
            at heart, she did not change her expression, but placed the child   deemed the time come to put his wife's patience to the final proof.
            in the servant's arms, saying: "See that you leave nothing undone   Accordingly, in the presence of a great company of his servants,
            that my lord has charged you to do, but do not leave her so that   he declared that he could no longer tolerate having Griselda as his
            the beasts and the birds devour her, unless he has so ordered you."   wife, that he confessed that in taking her he had done a sorry thing
            So the servant took the child and told Gualtieri what the lady had   and the act of a stripling, and that he therefore meant to do what he
            said; and Gualtieri, marveling at her constancy, sent him with the   could to procure the Pope's dispensation to put Griselda away and
            child to Bologna, to one of his relatives, whom he asked to rear and   take another wife. Being much upbraided by many worthy men, he
            educate the child with all care, but never to let it be known whose   made no other answer but only that it must needs be so. The lady,
            child she was.                                         being apprised of this, and now deeming that she must look to go
                                                                   back to her father's house, and perhaps tend the sheep as she had
            Soon after, it happened that the lady conceived again, and in due   before, and see him, to whom she was utterly devoted, engrossed
            time was delivered of a son, at which Gualtieri was overjoyed. But,   by another woman, did inwardly bewail herself right sorely. But
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