Page 189 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 189

Elisa finished her story, which delighted everyone. The queen then turned
            to Emilia, signaling her to continue. Emilia eagerly began:  Overjoyed, the rector replied, "Madam, I am greatly honored. I marveled
            "Noble ladies, we've heard many stories about how priests and friars, and   at how you held out so long, as I've never had this experience with any
            indeed all clergy, tease and torment us. But there's always more to say.   other woman. But no more of this: when and where shall we meet?"
            I want to tell you about a rector who was determined to win the favor of   The lady replied, "As for when, it's whenever we think best, as I have no
            a gentlewoman, whether she wanted it or not. This gentlewoman, being   husband to account to. But I can't think of where." "Why not in your own
            very wise, treated him as he deserved.                 house?" asked the rector. "You know I have two brothers who bring their
                                                                   friends into the house day and night. It's not large, so we would have to
            Fiesole, whose hill we can see from here, is an ancient city that was   be silent and stay in the dark. They don't intrude on my chamber, but
            once great but has now fallen into decay. It has always been the seat of   their room is so close that even a whisper could be heard." "Don't let
            a bishop. There was a gentlewoman named Monna Piccarda, a widow,   this stop us for a night or two until I find a better place," said the rector.
            who lived on an estate near the cathedral. She wasn't very wealthy and   "Just keep it secret," said the lady. "Have no fear," replied the priest.
            lived there most of the year with her two brothers, who were very worthy   "Let's meet tonight." "With pleasure," said the lady, and they arranged
            and courteous young men. The lady often went to the cathedral, and   the time and place.
            being young, fair, and charming, she caught the eye of the rector. He fell
            deeply in love with her and eventually confessed his feelings, asking her   The lady had a maid named Ciuta, who was very ugly and misshapen.
            to return his love.                                    She was flat-nosed, wry-mouthed, thick-lipped, with huge, ill-set teeth,
                                                                   squinting eyes, and a complexion between green and yellow. She was
            The rector was old but acted like a young man, bold and conceited, with   also hip-shot and limped on the right side. People called her Ciutazza
            affected manners and a tiresome personality. He was on bad terms with   because she was so unpleasant to look at. Despite her appearance, she
            everyone, especially the lady, who would rather have had a headache   was cunning. The lady called her and said, "Ciutazza, if you do me a service
            than his company. She replied discreetly, "I appreciate your love, Sir, and   tonight, I'll give you a fine new shift." Ciutazza replied, "If you give me a
            I should and will love you gladly, but our love must remain honorable.   shift, Madam, I'll throw myself into the fire." "Good," said the lady. "I want
            You are my spiritual father and a priest, now verging on old age, which   you to lie in my bed with a man tonight and caress him, but don't say a
            should ensure your honor and chastity. I am no longer a girl but a widow,   word, so my brothers, who sleep next door, don't hear. Then I'll give you
            and you know how widows must be chaste. So, I cannot love you as you   the shift." "Sleep with a man?" said Ciutazza. "I'll sleep with six if needed."
            wish, nor would I want to be loved by you in that way."  That evening, the rector came as planned. The two young men, as
                                                                   arranged, were in their room, making noise. The rector quietly entered
            The rector was initially content with this answer but was not easily   the lady's room in the dark and got into bed, where Ciutazza, following
            dissuaded. He continued to pursue her with letters, messages, and   the lady's instructions, joined him from the other side. Thinking he had
            words whenever he saw her at church. The lady found this harassment   the lady by his side, the rector took Ciutazza in his arms and kissed her,
            unbearable and decided to put an end to it with her brothers' help. She told   saying nothing. Ciutazza did the same, and so he enjoyed her, thinking
            them about the rector's advances and her plan to thwart him. With their   he had finally won the lady's favor.
            agreement, she went to church a few days later. The rector approached
            her as usual, and she greeted him warmly. After some conversation, she   The rector and Ciutazza were thus closeted, and the lady instructed
            sighed and said, "I've heard it said that no castle is so strong that it can't   her brothers to execute the rest of her plan. They quietly left their room
            be taken if besieged day after day. I now see this is true for me. Your   and went to the piazza, where Fortune favored them beyond their
            persistence has made me reconsider, and I surrender to you."
                                                                                                           The Decameron
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