Page 186 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 186
The Decameron Pamfilo’s story ended, causing the ladies to laugh uncontrollably. The Maso, "more than you could count in a night without sleep." "Farther off
queen then asked Elisa to continue, and laughing, she began: "I don’t know,
than the Abruzzi?" asked Calandrino. "Yes, it’s a bit farther," replied Maso.
dear ladies, if my little story, which is just as true as it is entertaining, will
Calandrino, being the simple soul he was, believed Maso’s words as
make you laugh as much as Pamfilo’s did, but I’ll do my best.
if they were gospel truth. "It’s a bit too far for my purse," he said. "If it
were closer, I’d go with you just to see the macaroni tumbling down and
In our city, known for its odd characters and quirky folks, there lived
a painter named Calandrino. He was a simple soul with uncouth
manners who spent most of his time with two other painters, Bruno and
to be found around here?" "Yes," replied Maso, "two kinds of stones are
found here, both with extraordinary virtues. One kind is the sandstones
Buffalmacco. They were pleasant fellows with a good share of common take my fill. But tell me, are there any of these stones with rare virtues
sense and shrewdness, and they enjoyed Calandrino’s peculiar ways and of Settignano and Montisci, which, when made into millstones, produce
simplicity. At the same time, there was a man in Florence named Maso del flour. It’s a common saying in those countries that blessings come from
Saggio, who was marvelously entertaining with his cleverness, dexterity, God and millstones from Montisci. But because these sandstones are
and resourcefulness. Having heard about Calandrino’s simplicity, Maso plentiful, they are cheap, just like emeralds, which they have in mountains
decided to play a trick on him and make him believe in some prodigy. bigger than Monte Morello that shine at midnight. If someone made a good
pair of millstones, connected them with a ring before drilling a hole, and
One day, Maso found Calandrino in the church of San Giovanni, intently took them to the Soldan, they would get all they wanted. The other kind
looking at the paintings and carvings of the tabernacle above the altar, of stone is the heliotrope, which we lapidaries call a stone of great virtue.
which had recently been placed there. Maso thought it was the perfect time Whoever carries it becomes invisible to everyone else."
and place to execute his plan, so he shared it with one of his comrades. The
two men approached Calandrino, pretending not to see him, and started "These are great virtues indeed," said Calandrino. "But where can this
talking about the virtues of various stones. Maso spoke as if he were a great second stone be found?" Maso answered that some could usually be
and learned lapidary. Calandrino overheard their conversation and, thinking found in the Mugnone. "And what are its size and color?" asked Calandrino.
it was no secret, eventually joined them, much to Maso’s delight. Maso "The size varies," replied Maso, "some are bigger, some smaller, but all
continued his discourse, and when Calandrino asked where these stones are nearly black." Calandrino, having noted all these details, pretended to
with such rare virtues could be found, Maso replied, "Chiefly in Berlinzone, have other things to do and left Maso with the intention of searching for
in the land of the Basques. The district is called Bengodi, where they bind the stone. But first, he informed his friends, Bruno and Buffalmacco, about
the vines with sausages, and a denier will buy a goose and a gosling into his plan so they could start the quest immediately. He spent the whole
the bargain. On a mountain made entirely of grated Parmesan cheese, morning looking for them. When it was already past noon, he remembered
people do nothing but make macaroni and ravioli, boil them in capon’s they would be working at the Faentine women’s convent. Despite the heat,
broth, and then throw them down to be scrambled for. Nearby flows a he hurried there and, as soon as he found them, said, "Comrades, if you
rivulet of Vernaccia, the best wine ever, with not a drop of water in it." listen to me, we can become the richest men in Florence. I’ve been told
by a trustworthy source that there’s a stone in the Mugnone that makes
"Ah! It’s a sweet country!" said Calandrino. "But tell me, what happens to whoever carries it invisible to everyone else. We should start searching for it
the capons they boil?" "They are all eaten by the Basques," replied Maso. immediately. Once we find it, we can take it to the moneychangers, whose
"Have you ever been there?" asked Calandrino. "Have I ever been there?" counters are always laden with groats and florins, and help ourselves to
replied Maso. "Why, if I’ve been there once, I’ve been there a thousand as much as we want. No one will see us, and we’ll be rich in no time, with
times." "And how many miles is it from here?" asked Calandrino. "Oh!" said no more need to paint walls all day like snails."
The Decameron