Page 180 - THE DECAMERON: 100 Days on 100 Etchings by Petru Rusu
P. 180
“The Student and the Widow“
A young widow of Florence, Elena, takes a certain gentleman still naked and recite some mumbo-jumbo. There are some
as her lover. But because she’s very beautiful (and she knows other very specific instructions, all of which Elena promises
it), another gentleman named Rinieri falls in love with her. to do. So she goes out to a farm of hers to perform the ritual
Rinieri’s a very clever fellow and has just returned from his and Rinieri follows her. She performs the ritual exactly as
studies in Paris. Elena really wants nothing to do with him, but prescribed and climbs up a ladder to the top of an observation
she can see that he admires her and can’t resist flirting and tower. When she reaches the top, Rinieri takes away the
coming up with ways to string him along. Her lover knows ladder. Now Elena’s stuck on the platform of the tower and
that Rinieri has a thing for his girl and begins to get jealous. she’s still completely naked. By this time, Elena realizes that
Elena realizes that this is the perfect time to play a nasty she’s fallen into a trap, but it’s too late. She’s on top of a
little trick on Rinieri to prove her devotion to her lover. So she tower in a deserted area and no one can hear her scream.
tells Rinieri to come to her just after Christmas so that they In the morning, Rinieri shows up and takes great pleasure
can hook up. Of course, Rinieri is delighted. He’s received by in his successful revenge. At first, Elena’s worried about her
Elena’s maidservant, who locks him in the courtyard and tells reputation (which Rinieri has assured her she’s already ruined
him to wait there until her mistress appears. Meanwhile, Elena with her sexscapades).Then she cries and pleads with him as
is living it up in the warm house with her lover. She takes she gets the worst sunburn and bug bites ever. She’s dying of
delight in showing him the freezing Rinieri and mocking the thirst, too. But Rinieri has no pity. He spends the entire day
scholar for his foolishness. She even goes downstairs to speak taunting her from the ground and watching her suffer and
with Rinieri, saying that her brother’s paid her a surprise visit burn. He’s pretty sadistic. He remembers how he almost died
and that Rinieri can’t come in until he leaves. It takes most of in that cold courtyard. He suggests that if she’s so anxious to
the night and the near death of Rinieri, but Elena pulls off her get off the roof, she should just jump off and break her neck.
nasty prank and convinces her lover of her devotion. Rinieri He goes on and on about how much he hates her. While he’s
feels his love for Elena turning into hatred as he freezes in at it, he insults women in general because they’re suckers
the courtyard. He spends the next several months recovering for younger men. He tells Elena he’ll bring her clothes so she
physically from the experience and plotting his revenge can come down, but he really goes off for lunch and a long
against the heartless wench. Soon, Fortune provides an nap. Finally, when Rinieri can see that she is on the brink
opportunity for Rinieri to be avenged. Elena’s lover has left of death, he takes her clothes back to the maidservant and
her for a younger woman and leaves her longing for him. Her tells her where she can find her. He also tells her that she’ll
maidservant advises Elena to consult with Rinieri, the scholar, suffer for her part in his humiliation, as well.The maidservant
to find a magical incantation that will make her lover return. arrives at the tower fearing the worst. With the help of a
Elena proves herself to be seriously stupid, because she swineherd, they replace the ladder and carry the lady down.
thinks this is a good idea even after what she did to Rinieri. The maidservant slips on the ladder and snaps her thigh-bone;
She sends the maidservant to ask Rinieri to help. Of course, he Rinieri’s revenge is complete. Elena does live through the
agrees. He tells Elena that she needs to do everything he says ordeal (so does the maidservant), but she makes up a story
so that her lover will return. Rinieri makes a picture of Elena’s to explain how she got injured and burned. She has to live
lover and tells her that she must take it to a flowing stream through a world of pain until her burns are healed. She vows
by herself in the middle of the night. She has to take off her not to play tricks on anyone else or to mess around with men.
clothes and dip herself seven times into the water. Then she And that, says Pampinea, should teach women not to trifle
has to climb up something high a tree or onto a roof while with scholars.
“The Student and the Widow” retrieved from publicly source: shmoop
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