Page 48 - Paul-Ygartua
P. 48
all these evaluations are mine and thus subjective. whether objectivity
exists, there is no way to tell. we can think about what is more
objective, and arrive at it, too. what about the absolute “objective”?
Some say it exists, others say there is no such thing.
we may be tempted to ask, “what about the opinions of the artist?”
also valid is the question concerning whether the artist is in anyway
related to his work once he shares it, turns the act of “thinking” to
“thoughts”. or is it now the case that the only reality is the subjectivity
in the minds of members of the audience? what gets us closer to
objectivity, interaction between subjective viewpoints, just like
singular pieces forming the whole on the chessboard?
there is a more essential element, much more substantial than this
deep contemplation and overt or covert meaning, and that is the
paintings of Paul Ygartua. the colors are brilliant and the impression
it leaves on the audience is pleasant such that you get the feeling of
buying one and hanging in your house. I had a hard time finding among
many the three paintings above to exemplify the ideas I wanted to
employ… the problem was not finding them but choosing them.
SYnthESIS oF thE bEGInnInG and thE End bY kuVaY SanLI
thE dEPutY PrESIdEnt oF thE turkISh chESS FoundatIon, IStanbuL turkEY