Page 46 - Paul-Ygartua
P. 46

I will make an inference using three examples from Ygartua’s work. It

           is the beginning of the game. the singular is pronounced. the pieces

           are in place. Pieces have formal values at the beginning of a game of

           chess: Queen is worth 8 points, rook 5 points, knight and bishop 3

           points each, and pawn 1 point. the pieces are ready to change from

           one plane to another. the journey begins.

           we have come to the middle game. the singular is enmeshed within

           the whole. the pieces are less pronounced. bit by bit we sink deeper

           into the game, that is, reality, and pieces start to lose their “relative”

           value.  they become images in our minds in proportion with their

           position on the board and relevant influence.

           It is now the end game, and the pieces are almost nonexistent. their meaning

           lies in their interaction and they find echoes in our minds to the extent of

           their significance within the whole of the position. the pawn may even be

           worth more than 20 points or maybe it is worth everything. the queen is

           null. what is significant is the content as a whole, which is as it is reflected

           in our minds. the subject is freed from its apparent “arbitrary” nature, as in

           abstract paintings, devoid of its “random” nature at the outset. the game is

           not over but the construct has completed. For what it’s worth in terms of

           stepping back for understanding, this construct is a new beginning.

                   SYnthESIS oF thE bEGInnInG and thE End bY kuVaY SanLI
                   thE dEPutY PrESIdEnt oF thE turkISh chESS FoundatIon, IStanbuL turkEY

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