Page 198 - Paul-Ygartua
P. 198

bELLa bELLa - unItEd In hIStorY 2013 MonuMEntaL MuraL 36,5X6,70 M | 120X22 Ft
                   thE MuraL rEPrESEntInG thE hEILtSuk natIon and thE IndIVIduaLS who MadE a SIGnIFIcant contrIbutIon to thE FoundInG oF thE bELLa bELLa arEa SIncE
                   thE hudSon baY coMPanY EStabLIShEd Fort McLouGhLIn In 1833. coMMISSIonEd bY craIG wIdStEn, ShEarwatEr rESort & MarIna, dEnnY ISLand canada

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