Page 197 - Paul-Ygartua
P. 197
working on large canvases or a large wall gives a much more
vast expanse of space to expand a visual impact from many
yards away, allowing viewing from a distance and visualizing a
finished product.
Every artist aspires to painting majestic canvases and no better
is that achieved than painting wall murals. Most of the walls I
have painted range in size from 30 x 50 to 25 x 300 feet.
the challenge is creating the composition in the right
proportions at such a large scale. this is approached with a
vision of the wall finished before you start. You need to see
it in your mind’s eye just to get the perspective, balance and
correct proportions. You must always take on the opportunity
of working without a projector, in this manner the freedom of
the hand will often bring that third dimension that you have
always been trying to achieve. It is only then when you will
actually envision the subject matter on the wall.
doMEd cEILInGS and MuraLS
ESSaY bY PauL YGartua on MuraLS