Page 251 - PARCESEPE
P. 251
She works with different media to produce
Notes VI vitally different abstracts, still life, landscapes
and floral paintings, some of those are shown
Agnes Parcesepe was born in 1951 in on her limited edition bibliophile art book
Belgrade Serbia and immigrated to authentic signed and numbered by the artist.
Melbourne Australia in 1963. She started Agnes is a member of Australian Guild of Realist
to paint in 2002. She has had many Artists (AGRA), Water Color Society of Australia,
successful solo and combined exhibitions. Water Color Society of Victoria, Sherbrook Art
Has won prizes and awards and her Society, Friends of Montsalvat and Amsterdam
work has been featured in magazines Whitney International fine Art New York. Agnes’s
in Australia and International Artist work is represented in corporate and private
magazines and books. collections all around the world.