Page 248 - PARCESEPE
P. 248

Two Rivers 300 grs Handmade Rag Paper                       The good part of it was that it didn’t curl

           Notes V                                                    much or buckle when wet. It is an impressive

                                                                      handmade paper, its thickness; firmness and

          The choice of paper we decide to use will                   texture make it ideal to work on.

           have a profound effect, when we attempt

           to get our work right the first time. There                Because the paper is hard sized it performs

           are hundreds of papers of various weight,                  better when surface is wetted, then allowed to

           surface, texture and shades of white                       dry before painting. I found out that the colors

           manufactured worldwide. I had the privilege                applied, remain crisp and very bright when

           to work in three Art Shops; I tried many and               dry. The paint settled in the paper beautifully

           discovered the best watercolor paper for my                and because of its roughness, calls for a more

           art. I found the “Two Rivers” handmade paper               direct, up front approach, with confident brush

           to be very satisfying.                                     work. The paper is receptive to a full range of

                                                                      techniques and it is excellent to paint on.

           I liked the rough texture and the weight

           of it and how it absorbed the water. I was                 I am grateful for the opportunity given to

           confident enough to try, wet in wet and wet                try the Two Rivers watercolor handmade rag

           on dry. It allowed the watercolors to show a               paper and have a feel of how it was to paint

           good degree of depth and intensity and the                 on. I found out that it was more than just a

           paint could be easily removed and washes to                watercolor paper. I encourage everyone at least

           be easily blended ,the paper handled all the               to try it ones and then you will know if it is for

           techniques easily.                                         you or not.  (Agnes Parcesepe)

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