P. 18

Agnes uses her own photographs of her

           Notes IV                                                   favorite city, Melbourne, to capture the

                                                                      different times of day and the colors

           Agnes had her first Solo Painting Exhibition, at           that the city displays, to guide her

           the Cotham Gallery 101 in Kew in November                  interpretation of city scenes. She has also
           2002. She paints under the name of Agili, and              produced mixed media creations of other

           her works often include a small Seahorse                   cities for commissioned works.
           hidden in the composition.

                                                                      Agnes uses pigment to achieve moody

           After studying with artists such as Alan                   dynamic skies and textures, for colorful

           Close, Nell Frysteen and Walter Magilton,                  buildings, to support her message, her
           she developed her own style, with which                    paintings convey the time of day and the

           to produce unusual paintings, for the                      atmosphere of the city in a very different
           enjoyment of buyers.                                       way from that normally seen in artistic


           Although primarily a watercolorist, Agnes likes

           to work in acrylic, oil, pastels and ink. She              She works with different media and materials
           believes that practicing in all mediums, allows            to produce vitally different Abstracts, Still Life,

           her to develop skills and techniques, to use in            Landscapes and Floral paintings. Some of these
           the creation of her own unique works of art.               are shown on this web-site.

           Agnes wanted to come up with some unusual
           and unique paintings that would make a lasting             Her paintings have been well accepted in

           impression on viewers.                                     private and corporate collections, in Germany,
                                                                      Italy and Japan. She has traveled to La Palma

           She has developed a special interest in mixed              in the Canary Islands, Malaysia, Canada and
           media paintings, incorporating multicolored                South Africa, Argentina, England, Germany, Italy,

           material layers, silk, ribbons and various                 Switzerland and the Ex-Yugoslavia.
           fabrics and beads, for a three dimensional

           effect for cityscapes, sky-lined against rich,             Agnes is a member of the “Family of Artist“
           vibrant watercolor skies. In particular her                Amsterdam Whitney Gallery NY, Australian

           watercolors can take up of fourteen layers of              Guild of Realist Artists (AGRA), The Water Color
           carefully applied individual hues. Agnes’s use of          Society Of Victoria, The Water Color Society Of

           watercolor washes has received local, regional,            Australia, Friends Of Montsalvat, Whitehorse Arts
           national and international recognition.                    Association and Sherbrooke Art Society.

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