P. 17

recommends experimenting with a wide

                                        variety of mediums to really establish

                                        which you like best and which one suits

                                        your style and subject matter.

                                        This is a hobby which does not cost a lot

                                        to enter, and is relatively portable. Like

                                        photography or bird watching you can

                                        engage in painting or drawing at home,

                                        on holiday, in the city, in the country …


                                        At one point in the interview we take a

                                        substantial detour into a health related

                                        issue as Agnes has had a severe health

                                        problem which she has now mostly

                                        overcome. She is a strong believer in

                                        natural therapies, and we talk about how

                                        she challenged and overcame her life

                                        threatening issue.

                                        If you would like to comment on the

                                        show, or about natural therapies, leave a

                                        reply in the box below, and hit the share

                                        button to spread the word about this

                                        talented and inspirational artist.


                                                                         By Henry Shapiro

                                                     Discovered by Player FM and our


                                                                                                          AGNES PARCESEPE
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