Page 169 - Masters
P. 169


                     YOSHIkO FUJITA

                     Lives and works in Tokyo, Japan


        I  am  working  on  “face  series“  that  depicts
        various  aspects  of  human  facial  features.
        I  created  50  works  as  “face  series”  of  late
        The method is a multi-color woodblock print
        using  handmade  Japanese-style  paper.  In
        accordance with my (Yoshiko Fujita) taste, this
        work is made by multiple-printing method. The
        woodblocks consist of those cut with knife and
        those processed with adhesive agents using
        the cut blocks. Then using the block printing
        and application of this Mino-washi (very thin
        Japanese  paper)  as  a  finishing  layer.  I  used
        kite strings to draw a simple form of a face.
        when  I  create  the  FACE  series-works,  I  pay
        enough attention to forms of the eyes. I intend
        to  create  several  facial  expressions  such
        as  humor,  mischief,  prayer,  anger,  love  and
        temptation with the eyes Indeed real emotion
        surfaces to the eyes. The eyes are so honest
        that it is impossible to hide the real intention.
        what is the expression in these pieces?

        viewers have only to feel as they like. This is
        my wish in presenting these pieces.

        FaCe, m10, 2006 wOODBLOCk 15x10,5 IN. / 38x26.5 CM.     
         FaCe, m1, 2004 wOODBLOCk 15x10,5 IN. / 38x26.5 CM.     
        GOOD mOrNING, 2004 wOODBLOCk 8x6 IN. / 21x16 CM.    
            FaCe. 16, 2004 wOODBLOCk 32x21 IN. / 82x55 CM.     
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