Page 15 - Masters
P. 15

        sPLasH, 2006 FINE ART PHOTOS, SIzE  A1

                                                                                       A kind of disillusionment and irony supports
                                                                                       Edoardo Pla’s compositions, illuminated by
                                                                                       an internal gleam that denotes a path of
                                                                                       augmentative  processing,  as  it  not  only
                                                                                       shifts the location of reality from its initial
                                                                                       static position, but also valorises its ability
                                                                                       to  relate,  a  suspicion  that  can  only  be
                                                                                       arrived at through the artist’s creative and
                                                                                       uninhibited imagination.
                                                                                       T h e   “…   i n h e r e n t   m y s t e r y   o f   a r t
                                                                                       expresses  its  ability  to  be  appropriated,
                                                                                       that  which,  despite  all  at tempts  at
                                                                                       interpretation,  remains  inexplicable
                                                                                       and  incomprehensible…  The  mystery
                                                                                       is  imposed  on  art  by  the  non  artistic
                                                                                       natural  of  realit y  and  the  artist,  as
                                                                                       someone estranged from society, imposes
                                                                                       hermeticism on himself…” (A. Hauser, The
                                                                                       Sociology of Art .)
                                                                                       The  respec t ful  sense  of  perplexit y
                                                                                       corresponds to the awareness that not only
                                                                                       the mystery of art cannot be appropriated,
                                                                                       but also the mystery of life itself. The only
                                                                                       path open to the artist is to start off from
                                                                                       the  clarity  of  all  this,  from  the  apparent
                                                                                       clarity of things, to arrive at the gleam of
                                                                                       the sculpture which, in the half-light of its
                                                                                       own evidence, represents the enactment
                                                                                       of the feeling of perplexity. Pla’s secular
                                                                                       perplexity  produces  an  iconographic
                                                                                       universe of painting, sculpture and drawing
                                                                                       which betrays uncertainties, if anything a
                                                                                       “passion that is liberated in detachment”
                                                                                       as indicated by goethe to define irony. An
                                                                                       effective weapon for delicately controlling
                                                                                       the deep drives involved in every creation
                                                                                       and,  at  the  same  time,  for  protecting
                                                                                       without  dogmatism  the  conceptual  grid
                                                                                       that is indispensable for every operation
                                                                                       concerning  the  intellect  and  the  hand.
                                                                                       Including sculpture.

                                                                 masters of today
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