Page 20 - I Love Art : 64 Contemporary Artists
P. 20

Kyveli Makri

       Lives and works in Athens, Greece

     Born in Athens, greece, kyveli Makri creates con-  with use of recycled metals. Later, her minimalist style
     temporary  hybrid  hand-built  ceramics  using  clay,  is interpreted in vessels with formative liquid lines,
     wood, plexiglas and recycled metals. Her concepts  inspired by findings from excavations of ancient greek
     are defined by her minimalist usage of design such as  pottery and specifically designed for the art store of
     simplistic lines and subtle subject contours.  the Acropolis Museum in Athens.
     Her early work focuses on conceptual block-like  Today, Makri’s works can be found at the art shops
     ceramic sculptures of houses repetitively set on  of the Acropolis Museum, the Museum of greek Folk
     wood and plexiglas. Her later work has evolved to  Art, the Benaki Museum, and the Centre for the Study
     include abstract subjects in ceramic media such as  of Modern Pottery, in private collections and various
     ceramic sculptures of ships and factories combined  art galleries in greece.
                      red ShiP, 2011 RED CLAY AND RECYCLED METALS ON wOOD 18.5x4x7 IN. | 47x10x18 CM.     
                               hoUSeS, 2011 wHITE CLAY IN PLExIGLAS bOx 31.5x4x5.5 IN. | 80x10x14CM.    
                                 VeSSelS, 2012 SLIP-bURNISHED EARTHENwARE vESSELS SEALED wITH wAx.

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