Page 18 - I Love Art : 64 Contemporary Artists
P. 18

Ruth Stirnimann

       Lives and works in Kaikoura, New Zealand

     Ruth Stirnimann is a Swiss born artist living and  Her artistic passion is moving beyond the known.
     painting in kaikoura, new Zealand. She works in two  She wishes to depict the concealed - the intangible.
     juxtaposing styles, complementing one another like  Therefore, she approaches every new painting with
     yin and yang: informal abstract and geometric. Her art  complete openness, listening to the mysterious force
     exhibits and sells both in new Zealand and internatio-  that wishes to flow through her into manifestation.
     nally with exhibitions in cities such as Buenos Aires,  They are changing patterns of our being and therefore
     Sydney, new York, Basel, Rome, Berlin, Milan, Helsinki.  support harmony and balance on a holistic level.

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