Page 110 - I Love Art : 64 Contemporary Artists
P. 110
Paul ygartua
Lives and works in London, Soho, Great britain |
Creation and interpretation is Paul’s life. In painting myself in many different styles and techniques,
he is at home in all mediums and prodigious. His having taken each style to an ultimate conclusion.
styles include Realism, Expressionism, Abstract My latest endeavor is a culmination of every
Expressionism, Post Modernism, Surrealism and emotion and perseverance through the development
Abstract Surrealism. His continuous study and work of a free and uncompromising expression, the
on techniques and painting mediums are apparent consummation of many techniques over the years;
throughout his vast body of work. Paul Ygartua is evoking a spontaneous execution - a sub-conscious
an artist whose versatility is reflected in his work. transformation challenging me when I am creating -
He is among those who lives elsewhere than their it becomes part of me. It is pure energy expressed
birthplaces. After graduating from Faculty of Arts in the shortest possible time to prevent retouching
Industrial Design, Liverpool Art College in 1965 he or controlled design. This spontaneous execution is
immigrated to vancouver, Canada. From then on so hypnotic, so much so, that it is almost impossible
painting became his whole existence. “Throughout to be influenced by a previous work, achieving total
my lifetime, I have endeavored to paint and express originality every time.”
harMony, 2014 ACRYLICS ON CANvAS 37.5x62.5 IN. | 95x160 CM.