Page 107 - I Love Art : 64 Contemporary Artists
P. 107

charlotte Wensley

        Lives and works in Marcus beach, qLD Australia

       I am fascinated by the abstract nature of emotion.   experience. For me there is no greater truth in life than
       In an attempt to explore, capture and understand   to explore, investigate and create artwork born from
       its existence I encourage each of my paintings to   personal emotional responses to the everyday and
       tell a story about the creation of personal emotional   the extraordinary, the real and the ephemeral. I strive
       identity. My abstract works reference the intangible   to paint that which cannot be seen by others, that
       concept of human sentiment and formative emotional   uniqueness of feeling which I know belongs only to me.
                                        Joy BUBBle, 2010 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS 35.5x35.5 IN. | 91x91 CM.

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