Page 27 - Genius
P. 27
Apart from the early gouaches, rien
works mostly with acrylic material
and star ted the last decennia to
originate powerful works with three-
dimensional objects mounted on the
painted panel.
“Substantially as well as technically
his work is unique” a st atement
ut tered by interior architect g.F.
koopman, lecturer at the Art Academy
of Enschede, on the occasion of a
solo exhibition of rien’s work. He
concluded that “every centimeter of
rien vörgers’ work is a full painting
in itself”. Another art critic, John
M.Pameijer, stated that “this man
makes, like no one else, mosaics in
colors of inexorable quality working
scrupulously careful, like a monk”.
He writes further in his daily paper:
“ E v en t h o ug h r i en n e v er ends
looking for problems, their solution
l i e s a l w a y s i n t h e t r a n s p a r e n t
representation of them. A gun that
shoots cigarettes, which explode
like craw f ish, force s the fuming
spectator to stop smoking. His art
has the impact of a pamphlet, but is
also tasteful enough for people with
a healthy appetite for attractive art".
rien vörgers (b. 1923) followed a five
year schooling in classic painting on
Art Academy level in his home town,
which became later the well-known
Academy of Art in Enschede, The