Page 197 - Genius
P. 197
nathan khan
lives and works in london, great britain
With the increasing use of technology in today’s creative processes, I seek to balance the use of oil paints with custom computer graphic
my work seeks to dive into the possibilities they pose. Alternatively imagery, using 3d applications. Additionally, I look to expand this
I think its very important not to lose the real human touch of further by incorporating handmade sculpture techniques with the
producing art. The traditional methods use tangible materials, with uses of rapid prototyping. This is an area of work, I feel promotes
a feel of real brush strokes and the depth, are characteristics digital the direction of Evoism.
methods can’t replicate.
New software is continually coming to the market, bringing great
opportunity in producing strong pieces of digital art and visual orGaniC strUCtUre 1, OIl /DIgITAl ON CANvAS, rAPID PrOTOTyPINg /
effects. With ongoing developments, it’s an area of creative FIbrEglASS SCUlPTUrE 66,5x36x4,5 IN. /175x92x12 CM.
expression we cannot ignore, as potential capabilities are endless.
Evoism seeks to create a balance of both technological and orGaniC strUCtUre 4, OIl /DIgITAl ON CANvAS, rAPID PrOTOTyPINg /
traditions methods of art, and considers both genres as important FIbrEglASS SCUlPTUrE 62,5x41x7 IN. /160x105x18 CM.
as the other. orGaniC strUCtUre 2, OIl /DIgITAl ON CANvAS, rAPID PrOTOTyPINg /FIbrEglASS
SCUlPTUrE 70,5x40,5x5,5 IN. /180x104x15 CM.