Page 158 - Genius
P. 158
MarCelo abuChalla
lives and works in Sao Paulo, brazil
Paulistano born in 1962. very early he was awakened for the Arts. He lived
in vila Mariana and her first steps in art were in the lasar Segall Museum.
He graduated in journalism in 1986. It is a photojournalist. In the 80s he
worked with several photographers and producers and helped format
the fashion industry in brazil. During all this time Marcelo is involved with
the ArT-focused photography. In the 89th-round draw. In the early 1990
Marcelo assembles a printing screen printing. In 1994 returns to the screen
in 1996 in Sao Paulo states. In 1997 Marcelo moved to the interior of Minas
gerais, Pocos de Caldas. And it has its time. If away from everything and
get back to the screen. At the turn of the decade Marcelo is considered
the most important contemporary representative of the Southern Mines.
He thanks the CUrIMbAbA for helping this achievement. Marcelo four
years ago was reunited with the Stencil and develops its work today by
doing a mix of techniques and the Stencil. So Marcelo creates his images
sometimes cruel sometimes dreamlike. The artist with this new work aims
to portray the balance, balancing, and find it between two things.
XiCLet 4, 2010, STENCIl ON CANvAS SPrAy AND OIl bAr 47x47 IN. /120x120 CM.
XiCLet 5, 2010 STENCIl ON CANvAS SPrAy AND OIl bAr. 47x47 IN. /120x120 CM.
UntitLeD 1, 2009 STENCIl ON CANvAS AND MIxED MEDIA 35x35 IN. /90x90 CM.
UntitLeD 2, 2009 STENCIl ON CANvAS AND MIxED MEDIA 35x35 IN. /90x90 CM.
mural - two parts of four, Rua Prefeito chagas Pocos de caldos, Sao Paulo
UntitLeD, MIxED MEDIA ON PAPEr 16x8¼ IN. /40x21 CM.