Page 122 - Genius
P. 122
Jette Van der lende
lives and works in Oppegaard, Norway
WHISPErS IN AN EMPTy AMPHITHEATEr: Jette van der lende’s realistic oils and imaginary, potential and virtual, is there, is with them”. With van der
have the preternatural capacity to stop time. Or at least slow time down. lende the scale of the works may be small and yet we as viewers seem to
In his novel Slowness Milan kundera writes: “A word uttered in a small be witnessing the birth of something special, an object caught in a cat’s
enclosed space has a different meaning from the same word resonating in cradle of relations (optical and mental) with other objects and the space
an amphitheatre. No longer is it a word for which he holds full responsibility that envelops them. This artist has the uncanny ability to create visionary
and which is addressed exclusively to the partner, it is a word that other work that intimates the sacred souls and sacred lives of the circumstances
people demand to hear, people who are there, looking at them. True, the of objects in the world.
amphitheatre is empty, but even though it is empty, the audience, imagined
iF yoU LiVe on iLLUsion, yoU Die oF Disappointment, 2009 OIl 27x41 IN. /70x105 CM.