Page 259 - Famous
P. 259


                     Lives and works in Even-Yehuda, Israel

                                                        w w w.tevelar

        The creative world of Eduard Grossman fascinates and captures the spec-energy of creative genesis appears in the frame of mobile boundaries of mediate
        tator; it is rather hard to vacate yourself from its magic power, and the  associations and plastic metaphors, on the cross-ways from real to imaginable
        mystery of the charm performed by those paintings remains non-divined  and vise versa, from the convention of the natural vision to the absoluteness of
        to the very end. It seems that these pictures produce some magnetic field  creative fantasy. At some moment the sensitive touch of the subject disappears,
        of attraction, pierced by the charge of mighty and creative energy. One  as if having been dissolved in the boundlessness of the colorful space, and in
        can feel a free and deep breath of the artist from the art works by Eduard  the figment of colorful spots and planes abstracted from concrete reality there
        Grossman, regardless of their genre, subject, manner of performance; the  appears the sense of whirlwind dynamics of the cosmic space, and at the same
        artist skillfully controls expressive sources of his art without being tied by  time one feels the unexpected presence of vital collisions. His series “The Leg-
        some dogmas or canons. Having accumulated the advantages of the Euro-ends” is actually a subjective interpretation of the Bible mythology reincarnated
        pean post-impressionist coloring, having mastered those so organically in  in color and light, having been penetrated by the token poetics of the ancient
        consent with his own vision, individual manner and picturesque tempera-symbols and allegories.
        ment, E. Grossman draws us powerfully into the element of color. Thus the   Prof. Gregory Ostrovsky /Doctor of History of Fine Arts, Arts Critic

                                                                                                 UNTITLED, OIL ON CANVAS
                                                                                               40X47 IN. / 100X120 CM.
                                                                                                   UNTITLED, OIL ON CANVAS
                                                                                               40X47 IN. / 100X120 CM.
                                                                                                     UNTITLED, OIL ON
                                                                                               CANVAS 16X31 IN. / 70X80 CM.
                                                                                                UNTITLED, OIL ON CANVAS
                                                                                               59X80 IN. / 150X200 CM.
                                                                                                UNTITLED, OIL ON CANVAS
                                                                                               59X80 IN. / 150X200 CM.

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