Page 204 - Famous
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                     Lives and works in Westchester, IL, USA
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        I was born in Chicago, Illinois and I graduated from the Art Institute of Chicago.     natural environment. Painting floral themes    in unusual settings, such as a
        I have been painting my whole life, since the age of thirteen and now I seem   hotel entrance on the Island of Amorgos, Greece is inspirational to me. .I do
        to have developed my own unique style.  I paint primarily in watercolor,   love being outdoors in contact with nature.  I use photos only as a guide to
        sometimes in acrylic and oil.  I have also worked in the medium of woodcut,   jog my memory but the real image remains in my mind only after I have seen
        cutting and printing my own works.                       it with my own eyes.  Every time I travel to places like Greece or Australia,
        My landscapes, seascapes and still life are based on my visual perception of   or Sedona, Arizona, Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, in the USA, I have become
        the subject combined with an inventive imagination. Nature is the catalyst,   inspired by the landscape or seascape.
        color, the spark, shape and dimension, composition, the unifying elements.     When I was a child, my greatest inspiration came from an artist with whom I
        My critics tell me that color is my greatest strength as a painter.  I tie all of   have great affinity with the use of color.  That artist is Henri Matisse.
        the elements of composition together and the painting becomes a powerful   My collection of outstanding awards for excellence in painting in the USA is
        statement evoking emotions that are a part of nature. Some of my paintings   extensive over the years. I have exhibited in such places as the La Grange
        are  sometimes  a  little  abstract but  they  are  always  recognizable  and   Art League, in La Grange, Il, Illinois Watercolor Society, International Society
        identifiable in an impressionistic way of viewing nature.  I take from nature   of Marine Painters, Palette and Chisel Club of Chicago, Clipper Ship Gallery,
        what I like in terms of shape or form, color, dimension and transpose these   American Nuclear Society, Chicago Windy City Artists, to mention just a few
        elements of composition into a readable and dynamic statement that the   of my exhibitions.  I have also had three one-woman shows in the states of
        viewer will enjoy as a painting, which is also the reflection of the artist’s   Illinois and Wisconsin.
        soul.  I enjoy painting picturesque mountains, valleys, hills or beautiful   Each time I create a work of art I discover within myself new ways of expressing
        bays, like those found in Greece, or the colorful  mountain formations of   and presenting nature in my own style, just like an archeologist who finds new
        the Southwestern  part of the United States. These unusual settings seem   things in each expedition. The magic of color, the power of the expressive
        to attract my interest.  I also find wonderful inspiration painting interesting   brush and the desire to create art works that carry a message to the viewer
        architectural sites, such as old historic churches, ruins or homes in their   push me toward perfection.
            BOUGAINVILLEA GARDEN, 1997 WATERCOLOR 26X20 IN. /66X51 CM.    ISLAND CHURCH, 1997 WATERCOLOR 24X20 IN. /59X51 CM.

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