Page 188 - Famous
P. 188
Lives and works in Athens, Greece
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When we became acquainted with the work of Xanalatos in 1987, at an underlying the facts. And Iris Xilas - Xanalatos in those thirty paintings displayed
exhibition at the British Council, we held in our memory a feeling of aesthetic not only the value of silk -screen printing but also the character of a spirit that
euphoria and also the security of a dynamic balance of the internal relations was emerging from the depth of its origins. Nevertheless, there is always life,
of shapes. We were in touch with the noble feeling of optimism, blowing open love, hope, the artist. The circle of this bitter consciousness in the work of the
the sails of spiritual peace in an anonymous sea. We met with the spirit of printer closes again in a faith in the moral balance in contemporary life, due
subtraction at a geometric level with simple clear and eloquent shapes that to eternal values. This message passes through some of her latest works; like
were interconnected by an inner harmony in their transformation into an the composition of the three - wheel bicycle of love, bringing, on many levels,
entity combining subjective with objective. These works of art had a beauty light into the dull streets of a town; like the hand of the mother and the child,
emanating from the laws of personal order, esoteric coherence and respect. hanging and secluded, yet with indestructible relation and communication;
Works of art that were not idealistic or romantic, naturalistic or cerebral. They and finally, the familiar symbol of the doves and the olive branch, the symbol
were of their time, built from the needs of the art of the twentieth century, of love and peace, the promise of a life without claims and rivalry. Yet in the
where the artist, with a new passion for freedom, as always, searched for the dark background of this promise, in its confusion, it does not appear that the
apocalypse through the visible, the vision behind the shape and the explanation order of this world is maintained.
Diana Antonakatou