Page 186 - Famous
P. 186


                     Lives and works in Athens, Greece
                                   w w /medial_ biennial1/komianou /komianou.htm

        Aria Komianou is well known in the field of engraving in Greece and abroad.   compressed, once again, in her last works that promise the continuation
        Her works are indelibly engraved in our memories with determined lines,   of her brilliant course. For Aria Komianou, the challenge of the material, the
        clear-cut forms and a quality that distinguishes her art as a whole, whether   wealth of collective artistic memory and personal choices act as a source for
        her works are black and white or, in other cases, in a deep red that paints   all the elements that lead to a truly inspiring creation, which, despite the a
        and activates the surface, subverting its tranquility and alluding, in a unique   priori obligations, do not prevent it from being sensitive and poetic. Regardless
        way, to Stendhal’s The Red and the Black. Aria Komianou chooses wood as   of the themes she chooses, whether they concern portraiture or trivia, still-
        the mold and field where she applies her choices. It is a complex material and   life, birds, hats, portraits and other everyday objects, these are turned into
        she treats it with harshness and sensitivity. The first is a necessary technical   highly aesthetic works of art through her touch. A combination of simplicity
        element, whereas the latter comes inevitably from within. The combination   and content which balances the descriptive and the abstract characterizes
        of the two leads to a unique result that has endured for at least four decades   her work. Either way, Aria Komianou is a true, original creator and an expert
        with the same consistency and the same virtues. All these elements are   in the art of wood-engraving.
                                                                                                        Dr. Vivi Vassilopoulou

                                                                               COMPOSITION 350, 1997 WOODCUT 15X11 IN. /38X27 CM.

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