Page 166 - Famous
P. 166


                     Lives and works in Tel Aviv, Israel
                                                        beigel @

        Studding Medieval Art reveals me the Early Byzantine Art with its rich full and   oven, exactly like homemade cookies. They come in different versions and
        colorful mosaics and the use of mosaic technique. Seeing the Gottic vitrages   colors, each one of them is Unique.  I have combined them   on a wooden
        shows me the possibility of gathering small parts making one completely   large cookie shapes as:  a Star, Heart, Triangle and other forms. The human
        beautiful peace. From Antonio Gaudi the genius Spanish artist from the 20th   cookie appears in various mediums: painting sculpture relief and mosaic,
        century I have learned to make wild and free combinations, like those he   (as the famous” Ginger Bread Man”)-in big and small forms and in different
        made in Park Guell, Barcelona. All these Influences help me create my own   physical states: incomplete, bound and broken.I choose the clay as a basic
        special style. In my works, I adopt the Gestalt theory “The whole is more   material a material because of it’s special quality: it is soft in the beginning,
        than it parts”. “Gestalt” is a German word meaning a structure, a shape, a   during the baking process it hardness, and gains a new nature, like certain
        pattern. It suggests that understanding a structure as a whole depends on   processes that change and harden the inner self of people.
        our ability to see all it’s parts, but the full  comprehension of the “whole” will   The human pattern made me deal with human changes or Metamorphosis. I
        always shows us a richer structure  than the simple combination of its parts.     began to wonder: is a change in a form brings also a change in the essence of
        My artworks are based on these principal, I make a combination of many   the material?  Is the new product is better or just different? These questions
        fragments and the final consequence usually creates a new and different     and others made my human patterns to change in colors and forms. Some
        “whole”. In the first exhibition “Homage to Gestalt” Mosaic Art, the works   of them grow wings or other parts.I concluded that we people have a secret
        were combined mainly of broken china, glass and a selection of decorative   wish for Metamorphosis, we want for example to fly like birds, but knowing
        elements from a range of materials that were carefully displaced on a chosen   that we will not have wings make us invent all kind of instruments that will
        object. The “Cookies” are ceramic hand painted cookies, baked in a ceramic   help us to be different from what we really are.

         THE LINE, WOOD, CLAY, CLAY COLOR 5X17½X19½ IN. / 13X45X50 CM.

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